Monday, July 19, 2010


The last ten years have been spent researching, writing, and designing my second book on the life and times of Benito Mussolini titled: The Last Centurion – Volume II - A Political Road to Martyrdom. Today it is finally finished to my satisfaction and fulfills my every literary ambition and all my historical considerations. It is intended to communicate to the reader previously little known or unpublished Italian historical military and political facts that are required by anyone hoping to gain a clear understanding of Italy’s role in the Second World War and to correctly
understand many of the various underlying political principles and motivations that led to the great European and Asian military conflicts of 1939-1945.
It is also a goal of this publication to provide the same reader with important and needed political background information concerned with today’s existing turbulent political state of affairs. These must be seen as the offspring of the European and Asian political results of the military conclusions of WW2.
This ten year journey from Predappio to Rome and finally on to Messegra di Giuliano, Italy, gave the author the very important opportunity to learn about the infamous book of war making instructions then being taught to the world by a brandish group of sinister, clandestine political and military leaders seen at several cross roads along the way. Fellow pilgrims provided the author with invaluable and accurate information from Europe and the Americas concerned with the matters discussed in the associated documents in this concluding essay.

On July 11, 2003, everything changed in world affairs and following this dramatic change I had no doubt that the masks were off all the perpetrators of war making in our world since 1939.


As such, I as an observer and an author feel compelled to make the following decision: to call to
order an International Criminal Court which would become an International War Crimes Tribunal courtroom for the people of the world to hear and see evidence presented by the prosecution and defense teams appointed by advocates for both parties. The case against the governments and their cabinets of Britain, France, United States of America, the British Commonwealth nations, and others commonly known as the Allied Forces, and the nations of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).

Presently the world has accepted today’s version of an ongoing program of political media propaganda which has at its core the erroneous story that Germany began the war by its recapture parts of Czechoslovakia and Poland in order to reclaim areas which were taken from Germany by the Peace Treaty of Versailles in 1917.




“I just don’t have the time and really don’t want to know the truth
behind the war: the men who started it and for what purposes”
I am too busy raising my family, making a living, watching TV, searching the Internet, playing golf, washing the car, sex educating my ten year old, trying to lose weight, trying to quit smoking, having lunch, going to Europe for two weeks every year, watching Larry King, March Madness, Super Bowl, dinner out, going to the casino, Academy Awards, abortion issues, financial fraud outbreaks, unemployment, racial problems, loss of equity, credit card debts, wars in Korea, Vietnam, Middle East, Serbia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Disney Land, The Masters, Seinfeld re-runs, going to weddings and funerals, going to college, watching Jeopardy, Dan
Brown’s books, World Series, The Olympics, I don’t read or watch programs about modern history or current affairs. I always vote Republican or Democratic, what else is there, after watching CNN, the political news and the financial markets. Wars are not my fault, I’m sorry. I don’t know the first thing about why sixty million men, women and children lost their lives in the Second World War. That’s a long time ago. Who cares now? How did these wars start, who started them, who used the Atomic Bomb, Is it my country, right or wrong, the land of the free and home of the brave, and the true north strong and free.


While all of this is going on in your life there are groups of malevolent men spending their days and nights planning and executing the next areas of wars: All wars fought in the names of democracy, liberty, and freedom are wars of aggression and acquiring most of the world’s
riches, whether in the ground, in the oceans, in the skies, or soon in outer space.

They Wanted A War and Would Have Their War no matter how many
people would have to die as a result of their malevolent ambitions



An Address to The General Assembly
of the United Nations, New York, 2006

What afflicts humanity today is certainly not compatible with human dignity; the Almighty has not created human beings so that they could transgress against others and oppress them. By causing war and conflict, some are fast expanding their domination, accumulating greater wealth and usurping all the resources, while others endure the resulting poverty, suffering and misery.
Some seek to rule the world relying on weapons and threats, while others live in perpetual insecurity and danger.

Some occupy the homeland of others, thousands of kilometers away from their borders,
interfere in their affairs and control their oil and other resources and strategic routes, while others are bombarded daily in their own homes; their children murdered in the streets and alleys of their own country and their homes reduced to rubble. Such behavior is not worthy of human beings and runs counter to the truth, to justice and to human dignity. The fundamental question is that under such conditions, where should the oppressed seek justice? Who, or what organization defends the rights of the oppressed, and suppresses acts of aggression and
oppression? Where is the seat of global justice?

A brief glance at a few examples of the most pressing global issues can further illustrate the problem.

Some powers proudly announce their production of second and third generations of nuclear weapons. What do they need these weapons for? Is the development and stockpiling of these deadly weapons designed to promote peace and democracy? Or, are these weapons, in fact, instruments of coercion and threat against other peoples and governments? How long should the people of the world live with the nightmare of nuclear, biological and chemical weapons?

What bounds the powers producing and possessing these weapons? How can they be held
accountable before the international community? And, are the inhabitants of these countries content with the waste of their wealth and resources for the production of such destructive arsenals? Is it not possible to rely on justice, ethics and wisdom instead of these instruments of death? Are not wisdom and justice more compatible with peace and tranquility than nuclear, chemical and biological weapons? They Wanted A War and Would Have Their matter how many people have to die as a result malevolent ambitions.
An Address to The General Assembly of the United Nations 2006
What afflicts humanity today is certainly not compatible with human dignity;
the Almighty has not created human beings so that they could transgress against
others and oppress them.
By causing war and conflict, some are fast expanding their domination,
accumulating greater wealth and usurping all the resources, while others endure resulting poverty, suffering and misery.
Some seek to rule the world relying on weapons and threats, while others live
in perpetual insecurity and danger.
Some occupy the homeland of others, thousands of kilometers away from their
borders, interfere in their affairs and control their oil and other resources and routes, while others are bombarded daily in their own homes; their children murdered
Not a day go es by without hundreds of people getting kill ed in cold blood
aggression will be uprooted, threats will wither away and no reason will remain for conflict.
This is a solid proposition because most global conflicts emanate from injustice, and from the
powerful, not being contented with their own rights, striving to devour the rights of others.
People across the globe embrace justice and are willing to sacrifice for its sake.
Would it not be easier for global powers to ensure their longevity and win hearts and minds
through the championing of real promotion of justice, compassion and peace, than through
continuing the proliferation of nuclear and chemical weapons and the threat of their use?
The experience of the threat and the use of nuclear weapons is before us. Has it achieved anything
for the perpetrators other than exacerbation of tension, hatred and animosity among nations?


Occupation of countries, including Iraq, has continued for the last three years. Not a day goes
by without hundreds of people getting killed in cold blood. The occupiers are incapable of
establishing security in Iraq. Despite the establishment of the lawful Government and National
Assembly of Iraq, there are covert and overt efforts to heighten insecurity, magnify and
aggravate differences within Iraqi society, and instigate civil strife.
There is no indication that the occupiers have the necessary political will to eliminate the sources
of instability. Numerous terrorists were apprehended by the Government of Iraq, only to be let
loose under various pretexts by the occupiers. It seems that intensification of hostilities and
terrorism serves as a pretext for the continued presence of foreign forces in Iraq.
Where can the people of Iraq seek refuge, and from whom should the Government of Iraq
seek justice? Who can ensure Iraq’s security? Insecurity in Iraq affects the entire region. Can
the Security Council play a role in restoring peace and security in Iraq, while the occupiers are
themselves permanent members of the Council? Can the Security Council adopt a fair decision
in this regard?


The roots of the Palestinian problem go back to the Second World War. Under the pretext of protecting some of the survivors of that War, the land of Palestine was occupied through war, aggression and the displacement of millions of its inhabitants; it was placed under the control of some of the war survivors, bringing even larger population groups from elsewhere

But these are sheer facts and not myth .
History ha s unfold ed before our eyes in the world, who had not been even affected by the Second World War; and a government was established in the territory of others with a population collected from across the world at the expense of driving millions of the rightful inhabitants of the land into a diaspora and homelessness. This is a great tragedy with hardly a precedent in history. Refugees continue to live in temporary refugee camps, and many have died still hoping to one day return to their
land. Can any logic, law or legal reasoning justify this tragedy? Can any member of the United Nations accept such a tragedy occurring in their own homeland? The pretexts for the creation of the regime occupying Al-Qods Al-Sharif are so weak that its proponents want to silence any voice trying to merely speak about them, as they are concerned that shedding light on the facts would undermine the raison d’être of this regime, as it has. The tragedy does not end with the establishment of a regime in the territory of others. Regrettably, from its inception, that regime has been a constant source of threat and insecurity in the Middle East region, waging war and spilling blood and impeding the progress of regional countries, and has
also been used by some powers as an instrument of division, coercion, and pressure on the people of the region. Reference to these historical realities may cause some disquiet among supporters of this regime. But these are sheer facts and not myth. History has unfolded before our eyes.
Worst yet, is the blanket and unwarranted support provided to this regime. Just watch what is happening in the Palestinian land. People are being bombarded in their own homes and their children murdered in their own streets and alleys. But no authority, not even the Security Council, can afford them any support or protection. Why?
At the same time, a Government is formed democratically and through the free choice of the electorate in a part of the Palestinian territory. But instead of receiving the support of the so called champions of democracy, its Ministers and Members of Parliament are illegally abducted and incarcerated in full view of the international community. Which council or international organization stands up to protect this brutally besieged Government? And why can’t the Security Council take any steps?


For thirty-three long days, the Lebanese lived under the barrage of fire and bombs and close to 1.5 million of them were displaced; meanwhile some members of the Security Council practically chose a path that provided ample opportunity for the aggressor to achieve its objectives militarily. We witnessed that the Security Council of the United Nations was
practically incapacitated by certain powers to even call for a ceasefire. The Security Council sat idly by for so many days, witnessing the cruel scenes of atrocities against the Lebanese while tragedies such as Qana were persistently repeated. Why?

They consider themselves the masters
and rulers of the entire world
In all these cases, the answer is self-evident. When the power behind the hostilities is itself a permanent member of the Security Council, how then can this Council fulfill its responsibilities?

The abuse of the Security Council, as an instrument of threat and coercion, is indeed a source of grave concern. Some permanent members of the Security Council, even when they are themselves parties to international disputes, conveniently threaten others with the Security Council and declare, even before any decision by the Council, the condemnation of their opponents by the Council. The question is: what can justify such exploitation of the Security Council, and doesn't it erode the credibility and effectiveness of the Council? Can such behavior contribute to the ability of the Council to maintain security?
A review of the preceding historical realities would lead to the conclusion that regrettably, justice has become a victim of force and aggression. Many global arrangements have become unjust, discriminatory and irresponsible as a result of undue pressure from some of the powerful. Threats with nuclear weapons and other instruments of war by some powers have taken the place of respect for the rights of nations and the maintenance and promotion of peace and tranquility.
For some powers, claims of promotion of human rights and democracy can only last as long as they can be used as instruments of pressure and intimidation against other nations. But when it comes to the interests of the claimants, concepts such as democracy, the right of self-determination of nations, respect for the rights and intelligence of peoples, international law and justice have no place or value. This is blatantly manifested in the way the elected Government of the Palestinian people is treated as well as in the support extended to the Zionist regime. It does not matter if people are murdered in Palestine, turned into refugees,
captured, imprisoned or besieged; that must not violate human rights. Nations are not equal in exercising their rights recognized by international law. Enjoying these rights is dependent on the whim of certain major powers.
Apparently the Security Council can only be used to ensure the security and the rights of some big powers. But when the oppressed are decimated under bombardment, the Security Council must remain aloof and not even call for a ceasefire. Is this not a tragedy of historic proportions for the Security Council, which is charged with maintaining the security of countries? The prevailing order of contemporary global interactions is such that certain powers equate themselves with the international community, and consider their decisions superseding
that of over 180 countries. They consider themselves the masters and rulers of the entire world and other nations as only second class in the world order. Excellencies, The question needs to be asked: if the Governments of the United States or the United Kingdom who are permanent members of the Security Council, commit aggression, occupation and violation of international law, which of the organs of the UN can take them to account?
It is evident that the behavior of some powers
constitutes the greatest challenge before the Security
Council , the entire organization and it s affiliated agencies
in which they are privileged members address their violations? Has this ever happened? In fact, we have repeatedly seen the reverse. If they have differences with a nation or state, they drag it to the Security Council and as claimants, arrogate to themselves simultaneously the roles of prosecutor, judge and executioner. Is this a just order? Can there be a more vivid
case of discrimination and more clear evidence of injustice? Regrettably, the persistence of some hegemonic powers in imposing their excursionist policies on international decision making mechanisms, including the Security Council, has resulted in a growing mistrust in global public opinion, undermining the credibility and effectiveness of this most universal system of collective security. Excellencies, How long can such a situation last in the world?
It is evident that the behavior of some powers constitutes the greatest challenge before the Security Council, the entire organization and its affiliated agencies. The present structure and working methods of the Security Council, which are legacies of the Second World War, are not responsive to the expectations of the current generation and the contemporary needs of humanity. Today, it is undeniable that the Security Council, most critically and urgently, needs legitimacy and effectiveness. It must be acknowledged that as long as the Council is unable
to act on behalf of the entire international community in a transparent, just and democratic manner, it will neither be legitimate nor effective. Furthermore, the direct relation between the abuse of veto and the erosion of the legitimacy and effectiveness of the Council has now been clearly and undeniably established. We cannot, and should not, expect the eradication, or even containment, of injustice, imposition and oppression without reforming the structure and
working methods of the Council.
Is it appropriate to expect this generation to submit to the decisions and arrangements established over half a century ago? Doesn’t this generation or future generations have the right to decide themselves about the world in which they want to live? Today, serious reform in the structure and working methods of the Security Council is, more than ever before, necessary. Justice and democracy dictate that the role of the General Assembly, as the highest organ of the United Nations, must be respected. The General Assembly can then, through appropriate mechanisms, take on the task of reforming the Organization and particularly rescue the Security Council from its current state. In the interim, the Non-AlignedMovement, the Organization of the Islamic Conference and the African continent should each have a representative as a permanent member of the Security Council, with veto privilege. The resulting balance would hopefully prevent further trampling of the rights of nations.

It is essential that spirituality and ethics find their rightful place in international relations. Without ethics and spirituality, attained in light of the teachings of divine prophets, justice, freedom and human rights cannot be guaranteed.
Resolution of contemporary human crises lies in observing ethics and spirituality and the governance of righteous people of high competence and piety. Should respect for the rights of human beings become the predominant objective, then injustice, ill-temperament, aggression All nations and states are entitled to peace, progress and security and war will fade away. Human beings are all God’s creatures and are all endowed with dignity and respect.
No one has superiority over others. No individual or states can arrogate to themselves special privileges, nor can they disregard the rights of others and, through influence and pressure, position themselves as the “international community”. Citizens of Asia, Africa, Europe and America are all equal. Over six billion inhabitants of the earth are all equal and worthy of
respect. Justice and protection of human dignity are the two pillars in maintaining sustainable peace, security and tranquility in the world. It is for this reason that we state:
Sustainable peace and tranquility in the world can only be attained through justice, spirituality, ethics, compassion and respect for human dignity. All nations and states are entitled to peace, progress and security. We are all members of the international community and we are all entitled to insist on the creation of a climate of compassion, love and justice
All members of the United Nations are affected by both the bitter and the sweet events and developments in today’s world. We can adopt firm and logical decisions, thereby improving the prospects of a better life for current and future generations. Together, we can eradicate the roots of bitter maladies and afflictions, and instead, through the promotion of universal and lasting values such as ethics, spirituality and justice, allow our nations to taste the sweetness
of a better future. Peoples, driven by their divine nature, intrinsically seek good, virtue, perfection and beauty. Relying on our peoples, we can take giant steps towards reform and pave the road for human perfection. Whether we like it or not, justice, peace and virtue will sooner or later prevail in the world with the will of Almighty God. It is imperative, and also desirable, that we too contribute to the promotion of justice and virtue

BBC News June 7, 1981
Israel bombs Baghdad nuclear reactor
Israel bombs Baghdad nuclear reactor

The Israelis have bombed a French-built nuclear plant near Iraq’s capital,
Baghdad, saying they believed it was designed to make nuclear weapons to
destroy Israel.

It is the world’s first air strike against a nuclear plant.
An undisclosed number of F-15 interceptors and F-16 fighter bombers
destroyed the Osirak reactor 18 miles south of Baghdad, on the order of Prime
Minister Menachem Begin.

The army command said all the Israeli planes returned safely.
The 70-megawatt uranium-powered reactor was near completion but had
not been stocked with nuclear duel so there was no danger of a according to
sources in the French atomic industry.
The Israeli Government explained its reasons for the attack in a statement
saying: “The atomic bombs which that reactor was capable of producing
whether from enriched uranium or from plutonium, would be of the Hiroshima
size. Thus a mortal danger to the people of Israel progressively rose.
It acted now because it believed the reactor would be completed shortly -
either at the beginning of July or the beginning of September 1.

Today the sad realization for millions of people around the world is the brutal fact tha thousands of young innocent men, women and children are dying daily as martyrs in today’s “War On Terrorism.” This scandalous reality is being played out graphically twenty-four hours a day on television networks around the world and is sure to leave a long lasting impression of horror and fear in the hearts and minds of both the young and the old of the world. A multitude of reasons are officially “spoken of “ by military and governmental officials in their
effort to justify the invasion of Iraq by the American Government - oil, hidden nuclear and chemical weapons, inept and faulty intelligence, democracy, freedom, liberty, etcetera. These and other nebulous reasons have nothing to do with America’s unilateral decision to bomb, invade and occupy Iraq. The rational for this and other recent military interventions was born in post war 1945 when the total victory of the Allied Military Forces in Europe and Asia provided the basis needed for the birth and establishment of an terrible order of International Political Dominators who plan to introduce a new order of political, economic and social
programs on the world: a policy of madness that will rob much of the world of its solid moral basis. They learned the various skills of political deception and fabrication required for the creation of an unnecessary but nevertheless desired war from their political progenitor’s bitter brew of propaganda used in the 1930s in order create a believable list of reasons and justifications for their military carnage in the Second World War.


They do all this with the consent and the approval of their very own citizens by the means of our modern process of periodic public democratic elections: the dynamics of which they fully understand and have learned to control. This “popular” vote is often only a prelude to a complete and “numerically mandated” dictatorship by the executive branch of a modern democratic government. The early noble Greek philosophical idea of a Democracy often ends as soon as the last ballot is counted.
An ever increasing tempo of “State Sponsored Terrorism” is a modern day problem of
immense proportions that has a profound social and cultural effect in every corner of our planet. Recent years have become a labyrinth of fire and brimstone suffering for those people unlucky enough to stand in the path of the military fireworks of predatory nations intent on the fulfillment of their programs of domination in order to establish new political, social, and economic arrangements for the nations of the world.. It is not important how many innocent people have to die: who will remember those tens of thousands of unidentified martyrs who must suffer an early death as a result of these policies four years from now when free and democratic elections are held once again? The author’s 2002 essay that follows is largely based on his own observations and conclusions as to the events and international actions which have left their mark on the world he has lived in, but these worldwide themes themselves and their histories are universal and vitally important to all humanity.


The world has seen the murderous assassinations and mutilations of the Israeli attack
on Palestinian leaders and citizens in the past few years and now some see it as being comparable to the savagery and bestiality of a pride of lions on the hunt. Instead of nourishment, as befitting an animal’s hunt, this insatiable State appetite is one of domination and power. While this killing rampage continues daily, the neutral nations of the world stand aside watching the victim being torn apart. The herd neither attacks their attackers nor do
they use their collective strength as a herd and rush in to offer protection to their young, their weak, and their old. They stand by mesmerized, mute and dumb to the idea of death until the killing is done and the limp carcass is carried away and then return to their grazing once again.

Neighboring States, and a host of others, choose to remain uninvolved and let the savagery play itself out, knowing that at any given moment in time it may be their turn to be socially and economically savaged and face death and the utter destruction of their homeland. For the moment national life is too good and too comfortable to take sides.

At present the Americans are bombing the hell out of the remote and sparsely populated Asian country of Afghanistan. Canada and several European nations are obligingly assisting the United States of America with troops and equipment in this American led Reprisal Campaign termed War On Terrorism — their participation in these war efforts which do not directly concern them, has a far from subtle goal of being favorably listed as a friend of Washington. The United States has and wants only two fraternal friends who have the proper political organizations and global ambitions and programs to which Washington can pledge allegiance.

England and Israel are these two comrades in arms. The United States has a recent fifty yearrecord of coercing, bombing and invading the governments and peoples of Korea (1950-53), Guatemala (1954), Vietnam (1964-75), Libya (1986), Iraq (1991-present), Granada (1983), Nicaragua (1982-1990), Panama (1989), Cuba (1961-present), Dominican Republic ( 1965), Serbia (1994), Haiti (1915-1934). Not exactly a roster of heavyweights or military giants.

Their unauthorized and unsanctioned military movements in these countries have gone on while the rest of the world sleeps. Even the United Nations of states for international peace, security, and cooperation established in 1945, the year that gave the world the new concept of Nuclear Warfare with the explosion of Atomic Bombs over the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, has stood aside during these American military escapades and were nowhere to be found when those victimized nations looked to someone for help. The United States is the
United Nations. Everything else is theater for the poor!


A Critical Path Method is a process by which a master plan for
the establishment of a Sovereignty Project includes the following
1. A list of all activities required to complete the
project .
2. The duration that each activity will take to
3. The redundancies between countries

The establishment of the First Zionist Congress 1897, the Great War
1914, the Russian Revolution 1917, the Balfour Declaration 1917, the Treaty of Versailles 1917, the League of Nations 1920, British Mandate
in Palestine 1922, the Great Depression 1929, the Partition of Palestine
1937, the Anschluss 1934, the Spanish Civil War 1936, the Invasion
of Poland by Russia and Germany 1939, the British and French
Declaration war on Germany 1939, the Second World war 1939, Italy
enters the war in Europe 1940, Pearl Harbor 1941, America’s entry in
European war 1941, the Atomic Bombing of Japan 1945, the Holocaust
1945, the Establishment of the United Nations 1945, the Establishment
of Israel 1948, the Persian Gulf War 1991, the Invasion of Iraq 2003.


War Lords And Their Many Wars

Who are these men who travel to the far ends of the earth to meet in secret rooms and
conceive and execute special and far reaching agendas in concealed documents which
in due course will affect the lives, fortunes and destiny of millions of global citizens their families and their children? Are they Americans? Are they English? Are they Israelis? Are they Europeans? Are they Asians? Regardless of what their passports show and state they are none of the above: They are Internationalists
In the years 1922 to 1939, Benito Mussolini and the Fascist Government’s social, economic, religious, and cultural programs became a hallmark of new universal governmental standards, of national progress, pride and achievements not only for the Kingdom of Italy but were soon to be adopted by several other world governments. The world stood in awe at the outstanding achievements of this “young man” from Italy and beat a path to his doorstep. The political
concept of Fascism is a product of the Italian people, Mussolini was often heard to say and often to write. He neither sought to export it and refused to make unnecessary trips outside of Italy, unless he was invited to do so due to important international matters. If people of other countries wish to know what Fascism is and what it does, let them watch what we do in Italy — they will then learn all they wish to know. In certain countries, and in certain spheres
of financial and fraternal influence, powerful men were ill at ease watching and taking note of the recent national and international successes of Italy’s Fascist Government. They saw that their social and financial models were now being seen as second-rate and in serious need of new blood and new thinking on their behalf. The western capitalist countries of the world found themselves deeply entrenched in a soul searing, intractable Economic Depression, ever since the capital market crash of 1929. They gathered in their government offices, their private hunting lodges, and their ceremonial meeting rooms to consider what their economic
options were in the light of the ongoing multifaceted intellectual brilliance and leadership of this political “boy genius” Benito Mussolini. They were very unhappy watching his vision and national programs of good and stable government then being seen unfolding before them in the daily lives of the Italian people. Their war drums were unsheathed and tuned in preparation of a repeat
performance of the 1914-1918 World War I fiasco, which cost the nations of Europe and the World ten million dead and twenty million wounded men, women and children. They were very unhappy watching his vision and national program s of good and stable government then being seen unfolding before them in th e daily lives of the Italian people.


July 25th Will Mark the 76th Anniversary of Hitler’s First Defeat

Austrian Nazis Kill Dollfuss*…Italian Army, Navy, Planes Ready to Act.
*The premier of Austria
Upon hearing the news of the German assassination of Austria’s Prime Minister Engelbert
Dollfuss, Mussolini gave orders for four divisions to be sent to the Brenner Pass. He wanted
England and France to join him in protecting Austria from Hitler’s “Anschluss” plans but
received none.
The Nazi takeover of Austria failed and Hitler was handed his first defeat by the timely and
forceful action of the Italian government. Italian appeals to France and Britain for a similar
show of force against Hitler went unheeded.
The two leaders agreed to meet for their first time on June 14th 1934 in Venice to discuss
Germany’s plans for Austria. Mussolini advised Hitler that he would defend Austria’s
sovereignty as an independent state, and admonished him for his persecution of the Jews and
the Church. He took a dislike for all that Hitler said and told his advisers later that Hitler talked
too much and avoided current matters of State. Mussolini had saved Austria from from the
“Anschluss “ (political annexation).
Although popular history emphasizes the appeasement of Italian and German dictators
during the late 1930’s as the cause of World War II, more and more evidence is pointing
to an unwillingness of Great Britain to join in a collective security pact with Italy in the
early 1930’s. Their misjudgment not only sent the wrong signals to European powers but it
prevented a united front against Nazi Germany arly in the decade.

.Modern day war historians must reexamine the 1930’s with particular attention to such events as the Stresa Front, the proposed 4-power pact, the 1934 Austrian crisis, the Anglo-German naval treaty of 1935, and the conflicts within the British cabinet.

The Stresa Front Conference at Stresa, Italy, April 11-14, 1935 was held at the initiative
of Mussolini to discuss, with representatives of England and France, needed programs and
agreements to contain the growing German military influence and menace in Europe.

In a speech in Milan in 1919 the young
revolutionary Benito Mussolini spoke
these words :

Today the only way not to live in fear of revolution is to think that we are
now in the full swing of one. I am not afraid of the word. I am a revolutionary
and a reactionary. I am afraid of the revolution which destroys and does not
create. I fear going to extremes, the policy of madness, at the bottom of which
may lie the destruction of our fragile mechanical civilization, robbed of its moral
basis, and the coming of a terrible race of dominators who would reintroduce
discipline into the world and reestablish the necessary hierarchies with the
cracking of whips and machine guns.”

Who is this terrible race of dominators envisioned by Benito Mussolini early in his public
career? Are they the new international order of political hierarchies that have taken captive the
executive command structures of our democratically selected political world? Are they those
that say one thing in public while planning to reintroduce another completely different set of
political, religious, and social disciplines in private, while fallaciously advocating superlative
promises of democracy, freedom, liberty and justice to the nations and peoples of the world? If
so, they may be a morphogenetic breed of men and ideas from those that we have previously
described as secret societies. Only they know who they are and what their plans are for the
nations and the peoples of the world; but by necessity they must manifest themselves and
their political agendas by their covert use of illegal programs of military, social and political
operations around the world.

They have gained total and complete political power by infiltrating and corrupting the noble
ideals of the early Greek philosophical concept of Democracy. Their cracking whips and
machine guns have become nuclear weapons of mass destruction. They control the entire
world’s nuclear military power in our skies, in our oceans, and soon in outer space. They do
all this with the consent and the approval of ordinary citizens by way of public democratic
elections. People have been programmed into believing that they and they alone have the
There remain s a need to unma sk th e war criminal s who plann ed and executed th e prelude
and the final destruction of European power to select and elect their governments, when in reality their voting is but a prelude to a mandate of full and complete dictatorship by the executive branch of modern democratic nations. Democracy often ends as soon as the last ballots are counted.

There remains a need to unmask the war criminals who planned and executed
the prelude and the final destruction of Europe and the political murder of sixty
million* innocent men, women and children in what is now known as World War II.
*Their blood and the destruction of their homes, cities and farms have become the
main fertilizing agents in the unprecedented economic expansion manufactured
and enjoyed by millions of people in the developed countries of the world.
Benito Mussolini knew of the evil that lurked in the origins of Marxism and the menace of
the Soviet Communist threat to Italy and to Europe early in his political career. He saw that
this threat was not only limited to the Soviet Union, but rather was a threat of a worldwide
anesthetization and the very real possibility of a Western European Soviet, not in the form of
an armed military takeover, but rather a slow peaceful infiltration of the Western World with
the philosophical and political programs of Marxism;a friendly open form of Marxism, posing as
fellow comrades with the Christian countries of Europe. A diplomatic Marxism.


Italy’s Prime Minister Benito Mussolini speaks to the nation:
“The declaration of war has already been delivered to the ambassadors of Great Britain and
France. We go to battle against the plutocratic and reactionary democracies of the west who,
at every moment, have hindered the advance and have often endangered the very existence
of the Italian people. Recent historical events can be summarized in the following phrases: promises, threats, blackmail, and finally to crown the edifice, the ignoble seige by the fifty-two states of the League of Nations. Our conscience is absolutely tranquil. (Applause). With you the entire world is witness that Fascist Italy has done all that is humanly possible to avoid the torment which is throwing Europe into turmoil; but all was in vain.

He wa s th e on e hon est, brilliant , political mind they feared more than any oth er
man in recent politi cal hi story:

“If we want to survive we must fight. It is the
only way to bring an end to this war which the
enemy has forced upon us.”

Mussolini knew that if the Allies defeated Germany in their ongoing war that they would
immediately attack Italy the next day to put an end to the government he had built since 1922.
Anyone associated with a pro-Mussolini program in the last sixty-five years will be familiar
with the anti-Fascist, anti-RSI voices in the world and know, who, where, and what they
are and will be well aware that they have a financial war chest second to none. They are
well positioned and well prepared to once again start a media propaganda campaign of
misinformation and outright lies, that will be designed to eliminate any voice or voices that
proposes a renaissance study of Twentieth Century political history. Benito Mussolini dreamed
of and worked diligently to create in Italy a nation of peace and progress before the night he
was betrayed in 1943, and his final political martyrdom in 1945.
He was the one honest, brilliant, political mind they feared more than any other man
in recent political history. His altruistic legacy of original ground-breaking governmental laws,
concepts, and programs caused them many sleepless nights and vast amounts of energy and
money to combat the persistence appeal of Fascism to the intellectual mind and to the toiling
masses of the world. We who see Mussolini as a political genius can be his only judge and jury
at the moment!

These three political forces, Zionism, Communism, and Freemasonry, will not rest, until they
completely destroy any remaining history of the benevolent political, economic and social
programs initiated by Il Duce for the Italian nation from 1922 to his death in 1945. They are
ideologies formed early in the twentieth century by Jewish politicians known now as Zionists.
Communism, was born in Russia as a social consequence of the Soviet Russian Revolution in
1917. Freemasonry, and its host of strange bedfellows, has its roots in medieval England and
remains as important to the English nobility today as its own Royal Family.


Benito Mussolini, being a very learned political person, knew the history and the ambitions
of these people and as such he had to be eliminated as a knowlegable voice in any post war
political trial at war’s end to ensure the future of their potential political scheme of things. As
he was assassinated by a agent of one of these organizations on April 28, 1945, in Guiliano di
Mezzegra, Lake Como, Italy.

Their vicious, deplorable lies and fabri cation s must be exposed and damm ed for the evil that th ey do and cause to be don e in every nation , in every region of th e world
Benito Mussolini and Claretta Petacci were gunned down in cold blood at the home of Giacomo
and Lia de Maria, Communist suporters, Mussolini in the back animal pen and Petacci as she
walked down the pathway towards the main road. Communist Partisans were the assassins
and remained the main killers of tens of thousands of innocent Italian men, women and
children in the days and months following the deaths of Mussolini, Petacci and others in every
region of Italy and Yugoslavia.

As you are aware, several thousand books, essays, websites, etc. have been written and
published in the sixty four years since Mussolini’s death inn 1945. Some are complimentary
and correct in their appraisal of these years of Italian history, but most are the product of a
race of political minded men, Italian and others, who for their own purposes, have corrupted
the legacy of this man and this history of the Italian people. Their vicious, deplorable lies and
fabrications must be exposed and dammed for the evil that they do and cause to be done in
every nation, in every region of the world.

In 1941 and 1942, under pressure from U.S. President F.D. Roosevelt and others in the
Western Allied camp wanting to soothe any religious objections to the Western Alliance’s
military relations with the Soviet Russia, Pope Pius XII was led to believe that acceptance of
the Western Alliance’s association with the Soviet Union was the lesser of two evils facing
Europe and the Western Christian world at that time. The Pope knew enough about the
philosophical creeds of Marxism and National Socialism to make up his own mind, which he
did. He looked to the future of Germany and saw two distinct social realities on the horizon:
Soviet Communism and National Socialism under the leadership of Adolf Hitler and knew that
only one would survive and would take over the immediate political future of Germany.
In the six years that Nuncio Eugenio Pacelli spent in Munich, from 1919 to 1925, he gathered
information about this new personage on the scene, Karl Heinrich Marx, German philosopher,
economist, and social theorist. He soon learned that much of the gathered information was
beginning to frighten him as a man and as a Papal Nuncio. By the time he, Pacelli, was posted
to Berlin in 1925 he knew the life and thoughts of Karl Marx in fine detail. Pacelli visited the
town where Marx was born and raised, Tier, and visited the University of Bonn where Marx
was a student for a year. He had personal interviews with living relatives of Marx and of Jerry
von Westphalen, Karl Marx’s wife.

During his stay in Berlin, Cardinal Pacelli read the records of Karl Marx’s studies at the
University of Berlin. He also visited the boarding house where Marx lived while in Berlin and
went to Stralau where Marx met regularly with members of the Young Hegelians. Pacelli
inspected police records which displayed records of anarchistic activity by the members of the
Doktor-Klub of which Marx was a member.

Pacelli noticed that Karl Marx early in his youth had written a composition titled The Union of
the Faithful with Christ, in which Marx exalted the social and spiritual Christian brotherly love
amongst men and societies.

Benito Mussolini also saw the menace of the Soviet Communist threat to Italy and to Europe
early in his political career. He saw that this threat was not only limited to the Soviet Union,
but rather was a threat of world wide sovietization and the very real possibility of a Western
European Soviet, not only in the form of an armed military takeover but also a slow peaceful
infiltration of the Western World with the philosophical and political programs of Marxism
-- a friendly open form of Marxism posing as fellow comrades with the Christian countries of
Europe – a diplomatic Marxism.

Cardinal Augustin Bea, S.J., knows what is bothering the pope. In 1941-1942, under pressure
from U.S. President Roosevelt among others, Pacelli had collaborated in soothing religious
objections to the Western Alliance with Soviet Russia against Hitler. He had yielded to the
argument that Hitler was the greater of two evils. But what if he had chosen neither? Now
Pacelli is afraid that he had thereby helped Marxism in taking over Europe and the whole
world. Bea consoles him. “Who could have known that the Anglo-Saxons would let the
Russians go that far.”


Wi nsto n Churchill, far from being the wise, brave British Statesman – Saint as he is
now varnished – was nevertheless a knowledgeable factotum in the affairs of modern Europe.
He understood that Britain alone was no military match for the renewed German military might
which Britain now faced, as a result of their declaration of war against Germany on September
3, 1939. By this declaration Britain and France put both of their countries at risk and grave
danger. The German Army swept through Belgium and France in only two months of early
1940 and completely destroyed the British and French armies gathered there to defend the
Western Front of the war.
Churchill’s famous words to the people of England “We have nothing to offer but blood, toil,
tears and sweat” (was a direct translation of a speech given Giuseppe Garibaldi in 1849:
“Non offro nè paga, nè quartiere, nè provvigioni. Offro fame, sete, marce forzate, battaglie e
morte“), his speech was pilferred from the Italian original to advance Churchill’s succinct and
forthright war aims:

The great wall of France, the Marginot Line took twenty-one years to build and was designed
as a protective wall of defense from any advancing armies from the East. It stretched from
Switzerland in the North to the Mediterranean in the South. It was a series of underground,
ultramodern tunnels of defense which failed in the face of the onslaught of the German Army
on which France had the audacity to declare war. The German Army was now only 25 miles
away from the British coastline and 90 miles from London. One unexplained and unexplored
aspect of the war remains an open question: If England was truly the ultra archenemy in the
eyes of the Germans, the German military might could have invaded England and found total
victory there within weeks or months. Instead England was seen by the German Command
as a tottering old lady whose time had now past after a dubious career of instigating and
meddling in the affairs of other nations. The Germans did not attack with its full military might.
If they had it would have meant that the United States would have had to invade England
from three thousand miles away in order to overthrow the German occupation of Great Britain.
England now was in an immediate need of a military savior. They acquired two in 1941 — The
United States and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.


On September 29, 1941, Russia, England and the USA signed a mutual aid agreement in
Moscow when Joseph Stalin, Averell Harriman of the USA and Canadian born Baron William
Maxwell Aitken, Lord Beaverbrook, of England concluded a Lend Lease Agreement which
guaranteed that Russia could afford to open a second front against Germany in Eastern
Europe. At the time Russia’s Soviet Comintern was Western Capitalism’s sworn enemy,
committed to an ideology which had a goal to conquer and dissolve the economic and social
fabric of the Western Capitalist nations of the world — they had been committed to this
economic revolutionary goal since 1917 at the time of the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia

Presi dent Franklin Roosevelt assured Winston Churchill that he would find a way
to have the United States Government involved in the European War then in progress and on
December 7, 1941, with the attack on Pearl Harbor he fulfilled his promise and began a varied
agenda of financial, military, and armaments aid programs to the Allied Forces in Europe.
It was a monopoly of the international money markets that united the Allies to plan and
begin another war. Nothing else united the interests the governments of England, USA and
Russia combined with a gross indifference and contempt for the lives and properties of other
sovereign nations and especially for the welfare of all humanity in general. Military victories
in Europe and the Pacific would secure a monopoly that would control of all the gold, currency,
debt, usury, and monetary laws and markets of the world.

Presi dent Harry Truma n authorized use of the atomic bomb after
August 3, 1945. On August 6 the first atomic bomb was dropped on the
city of Hiroshima, leveling over sixty percent of the city. Seventy thousand
citizens died instantly. Three days later, a second bomb was dropped on
Nagasaki, over twenty thousand people died instantly. Thousands more
died after the atomic blasts from radiation exposure.

The elaborate and highly secretive preparations which went into the
Zionist plan of forming and creating a State of Israel, located in what was
then Palestine, became a reality on November 2, 1917, when Lord James
Arthur Balfour stood before the British Parliament and announced that he had sent a letter to
Lord Lionel Walter Rothschild, Chairman of The Zionist Federation, informing Lord Rothschild
that his cabinet and His Majesty’s Government “ view with favor the establishment in Palestine
of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavors to facilitate the
achievement of this object, it clearly being understood that nothing shall be done which may
prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, ...”




Further to the military, police, and political power given to the government by way of
democratic elections, is the absolute and unlimited potential of their taxation and spending
powers of the nation’s currency.
Most, if not all of the world’s private enterprise nations have adopted the policy of “deficit”
financing ever since the end of the Second World War.


The world of capitalism is “floating” upon a vast sea of international debt. That is a long term
disastrous losing game they are playing with the nation’s wealth. The ultimate end to this
indebtedness is nowhere in sight. National social and financial responsibilities have to reformulate their own domestic financial and social obligations as well as their debt/creditor arrangements with other nations. Therein lies the problem and also the solution.


The Allied Campaign for Italy in WWII was a tragic diversion from the main goal of striking at
the heart of Germany, as Eisenhower and FDR wanted , but Churchill prevailed.
As a result, Italy paid a terrible price in lives, property, and misery, and the Americans would
absorb some of their worst drubbings of the war. And the Channel Crossing, that Churchill so
abhorred, occurred within nine months.

Naples was the most bombed Italian city in World War II. The largest raid was on August 4,
1943, by 400 planes of the US Mediterranean Bomber Command. There were about 180 raids
on the city in 1943. About 10,000 homes were burnt and 20,00 people were killed.
US, British, and Canadian forces invaded Sicily under the command of Gen. Dwight D.
Eisenhower. Over 2,000 vessels were employed to convoy 160,000 men, and landings were
effected along the southern coast. The Americans seized Gela; the British Eighth Army and
Canadian troops, disembarking at Cape Passaro, drove along the east shore.
When the “Allies” landed in Sicily, the troops were blinded by hatred more fierce against the
Germans, but also against the Italians and especially of Fascism. Even before landing the men
of the Seventh U.S. Army under the command of General George Patton had been doped with
mentally fierce speeches and directives, but also physically with Benzedrine. Patton wanted an
army of killers, “because - he said - the killers are immortal.”
On 14 July [1943], the fourth day of the 45th Division’s introduction to savage combat, two
unfortunate incidents occurred that reflected negatively on the Thunderbirds. Near the Biscari
airfield, which was being assaulted by Captain John T. Compton’s C Company, 180th, a fierce
firefight erupted and a dozen of Compton’s men were wounded. A group of thirty-six Italian
snipers, some dressed in civilian clothing, surrendered. Remembering Patton’s speech prior to
the invasion of Sicily, Patton warned his troops to watch out for Axis dirty tricks and to show
no mercy if any were encountered. Apparently acting on an order from the general that enemy
troops who had fired upon medics and wounded soldiers or were dressed in civilian clothes
were to be executed, Compton had the entire group shot.
On the same day near the same airfield, Sergeant Horace T. West of A Company, 180th, was
directed to escort a group of prisoners of war to the rear for interrogation. After marching
the group a short way, West inexplicably halted the prisoners and shot forty-five Italians with
a machine gun. Compton and West were court-martialed for killing 73 POWs. Compton was
cleared of the charges, but West was judged guilty and sentenced to life imprisonment. West
served a year of his sentence, was reduced to private, and returned to duty. Captain Compton
was reassigned to the 179th Regiment, distinguished himself with a number of heroic acts,
and subsequently died in action in Italy in November 1943.
On July 25, 1943, Marshal Pietro Badoglio was appointed Head of the Italian Government by
King Vittorio Emanuele III and immediately declared war on Germany. He then arranged a
military armistice with General Dwight D. Eisenhower, Commander in-Chief of the Allied Forces
at Fairfield Camp in Sicily on September 3, and the Surrender of Italy on September 8,1943.
The Instrument of Surrender was signed September 23, 1943, and was terminated September
15, 1947.
On February 14, 1944, a remarkable scene unfolded near Monte Cairo, in southern Italy. A
German courier bearing a white flag offered a truce to US forces, a chance for both sides to
collect their dead. The two armies had battered each other on various Italian fronts for seven
months. The German courier’s offer was accepted, the grim work begun. “There were bodies
all over the hill and the odor was bad,” a G.I. wrote in his diary.

Revue de Culture Nationale et Europeenne
7me annee
No. 74 – Mai 1945

Italy lived through one of its darkest days of its millenary history. After a brilliant career, at the
end of an unfortunate war, the leader who since 1920 had appeared as the living symbol of
the deepest aspirations of the Italian people, Mussolini, was the victim of a horrible ending.
Nevertheless, his entire life was only a moving and tragic attempt to awaken Roman victories,
to convert Italy again into a great power. Often, when he addressed young Italians in order
to stir them, Mussolini loved to ask the question:ıIsn’t it preferable to die in battle than to
succumb to illness? ı As a matter of fact he did not aspire to die between two bed sheets. He
would have liked to die in the trenches or, even better, in a cloud of a glorious sky. But the
daughters of Hades, the Parches, masters of the destiny of mankind, they refused to grant him
the treatment equivalent to his exceptional life: a death worthy of him. After wanting so often
to force destiny in order to earn the privilege of dying a hero, he fell as a martyr. He died in
order to defend his ideals and his political faith. He died for Italy. He was never a weakling in
the framework of his civil, military and patriotic actions. He never despaired. Even to the end
he was heroic and loyal. In July 1943, even though he was struck harshly by injustice and by
the weakness of men, he never let himself go. From the day following liberation, in spite of the
painful and chaotic situation, he went back to work. He recaptured his superhuman strength
for the salvation and resurrection of Italy. Within a few weeks he rebuilt a government, an
administration, renewed the structure of the party, set up the base of a new army, reformed
the state. But it was not to be up to him that the land of his forefathers would be saved. He
gave all his strength, his entire heart to his country. He gave it his life. He fought up to end in
order to let Italy keep the right to recuperate in the world its place of honor and glory acquired
at various intervals, during many centuries, with the sacrifice and the blood of forefathers. He
personified, up to the last minute, the hope and fortunes of the Fatherland. His dramatic death
reflects still the ideals of his life.
Many Europeans who had admired him have learned with sadness of his death. Many taken
from deep pain wept. Today they can do him honor in their prayers and testify in his favor
with the fidelity of remembrance. After several years of anarchy and chaos, he had managed
to restore order and rhythm to the entire life of modern Italy. He was besieged. Every day,
there were tens of requests for audiences which had to be turned down. On the other hand,
audiences were very brief. And at the end, the majority of those that met him, during their
stay on the shores of the Tiber, did not have time to either understand or interpret him.
They often captured an erroneous image of him. Thus a legend was born: that of the stout
During hi s lif e he contin ued to have a genuin e attra ction for th e humble, for peasant s and for labor ers. History will recognize hi s great heart
dictator, with broad shoulders, hard face, dominating and decisive. I do not know which
reporter dubbed him also with:”the classic head of a tyrant.ı He certainly bore the sign of his
strength and greatness. And it was for this reason that he would often exercise over those
who approached him a true phenomena of suggestion. The statesman, the leader often
prevented one from seeing the true Mussolini. Because, deep down, he was inspired by a true
humanitarian spirit. All those who could be near him in a constant manner could testify to
the same. Born in a small village, the son of a blacksmith, he remained simple and sensitive
throughout his life. He had not grown up in a city. He did not possess any bourgeoisie or
refined training. Disdainful of all riches, he always lived modestly. Driven almost directly to
the position he held, he had kept intact not only his natural simplicity but also his rural and
primitive freshness of impression. During his life he continued to have a genuine attraction for
the humble, for peasants and for laborers. Everytime he was among them, he would gladly
speak with them. We saw him in the Pontine marshlands speak face to face with an old farmer,
on whose shoulder he would place his friendly hand. Those who at any cost wish to make him
out to be an intractable, rude and hard as granite man are completely wrong.In 1932, during
his first trip to Genoa, when the battle cruiser he was in entered the gulf and got near the city,
the crews of the ships in port and thousands of people on shore, on rooftops and on hillsides
greeted him with triumphal acclamations, with flags waving and ringing of all the church bells,
those who were close to him that bright morning saw tears roll one by one down his cheeks…..
Mussolini cried openly the old fashioned way, without any false modesty or attempt to hide his
feelings. Also when “Horace” was given at the forum, the immortal verses of Corneille brought
tears to his eyes more than once. Power did not spoil him at all. He kept intact his emotional
spontaneity throughout his life.
It is impossible to enumerate his good deeds. These include also his old enemies. The old
socialists who had fallen into bad times were helped many times. One can count by the
thousands the writers and artists who, by ingenious manner, were assured a decent living.
Moderation and dignity inspired the least of his deeds. When he was freed at Gran Sasso by a
team of paratroopers, their leader, Skorzeny, asked him what he should do with the men who
held him captive and he calmly answered: “Let them go…!”
If clemency depended only on him no member of the Gran Consiglio would have been shot.
In spite of an absurd rumor, he always demonstrated exceptional tolerance when faced with
intellectual opposition. His most implacable enemies must themselves recognize his policy of
clemency and generosity. As head of the Social Republic and for various reasons Mussolini was
fascinating. For years all important foreigners that came to Rome had no other interest but to
meet the man who, in extreme conditions had to meet “resistance” head on and many times
he forgave the partisans. History will recognize his great heart.
“For now it is not the balance of Mussolini
dictatorship that we are dealing with, but the balance of Badoglio’s coup d’etat. After this war,
Italy will not only lose Eastern Africa and Libya, but also the Dodecanese, Dalmatia, Fiume and
probably Istria, Trieste and Gorizia on which the Yugoslavian and Pan-Slavic hand is already
extending. But we all must recognize that had the coup d’etat of July 25, 1943, national
disaster and perhaps the catastrophe of the Axis could have been avoided. The Italian people
would have avoided not only its actual ordeal but also the total break-up of its armed forces,
the disintegration of the state and above all the fratricidal war. The actual Italian disaster is
thus not the balance of Fascism. It’s that of Anti-Fascism.
But it could be said, if Fascist Italy had not gone to war, all that would not have happened.
“It would have been advantageous for Mussolini not to make a move” an Israeli pen writes
us. Evidently, Italy could have remained neutral in this war. It could have, as a small nation,
remained out of the mix. By remaining non-belligerent it could have enjoyed great financial
and commercial advantages. But Mussolini concluded that the honor of a great nation could
not coincide with only material profits. Italy had already proclaimed its vital right, and had
placed before the conscience of the world its birth, food expansion, natural resources, labor,
and production problems. To confine itself in a neutrality based on profit would have meant
nothing more than a definite renunciation of its centuries-old aspirations. On the other hand
we know what happened, in this war, to Turkish neutrality, Portuguese neutrality, Argentine
neutrality. And each one of us understood, from some foreign radio broadcasts, the threats
against Franco’s Spain, along with also the possibility of a declaration of war. By keeping its
neutrality with its position in the middle of the Mediterranean, Italy would have been lowered
to the rank of a small South American nation. So we can affirm with full peace of mind that
whoever would have been in power in 1940 would not have prevented Italy from taking pat in
a conflict where the fate of Europe was at stake and from which a new world equilibrium was
to appear. The historic and geographic position of the peninsula demanded the struggle. She
had to either renounce the position of a great nation and resign itself henceforth to becoming
a country of tourists and honeymooners, or risk everything, audaciously, in order to achieve
definite independence. So war was supposed to free Italy from any embarrassment and give
her a worthy place in the world. “Not to act’ would have meant to remain for centuries in
definite political, economic, social and moral inferiority. Thus the mistake that Fascism made
was to try and make Italy a free, great and prosperous nation. Mussolini dared… but what
would have become of Italy if tiny Piemonte, in 1848, had not dared challenge the powerful
Hapsburg Empire? No one reprimanded Cavour at that time for having “dared to act”. Of
course one would need to be always sure of victory. But all belligerent powers, no matter who
they are, and especially those who declare war, are “a priori” always sure of succeeding.
Fascist Italy defended the fate of the future generations of the peninsula up to the end. Today
the war is finished. Nevertheless situations of limited greatness remain. They could take on an
unforeseen development. What will it mean tomorrow for England and the United States to
win together over Russia? The end of the war will not resolve the problems already in place.
More terrible ones could appear.

The balance of Fascism?
After centuries of silence and decline, Italy spoke and acted again. After the march on
Rome, along the road of its destiny, imposing milliary rocks signaled, for almost a quarter
century, its struggle and its achievements. They have a name: roads, highways, railroads,
irrigation canals, electric plants, schools, stadiums, sports, airports, social hygiene, hospitals,
sanatoriums, redevelopments, industries, commerce, economic expansion, struggle against
malaria, wheat battle. Littoria, Sabaudia, Pontinia, Guidonia, Work Permit, collaboration of
classes, corporations, Working Men’s Clubs, Maternity and infants programs, School Cards,
Encyclopedias, Academy, Mussolini Codes, Lateran Pact, Conciliation, pacification of Libya,
merchant marine, navy, air power, conquest of Abyssinia.
All that Fascism accomplished is recorded in history. And nothing will be able to erase this
astonishing evidence of an indomitable will of creativity and reconstruction. In the field of
foreign affairs, in 1932, at Geneva, we witness the Mussolini project aiming at the abolition of
heavy artillery, tanks, war ships, submarines and war planes.
In 1933, a new proposal for peace: the pact among the four, whose acceptance would have
saved Europe. A few months later another suggestion for the immediate stoppage of arms
buildup. In 1934, the proposal of a new system of pacification of our continent. The same year,
at the inauguration of Littoria, at the heart of the Pontine, swamps freed from their mosses
and their malaria, the famous declaration: “We have acquired a new province. We had to fight,
but this war, the peaceful war, is the war that we prefer.”
In 1935 there are the Franco-Italian accords of Rome. In 1938 there is the gentleman's
agreement with England. In 1939, at the eve of the present war, with the Duce’s suggestion:
Monaco is the last attempt to avoid conflict. This naked truth is the answers to all the
deformations of slogans. Certainly Mussolini - we indicated the reasons - entered the war
voluntarily. But he did not want it. In a document that we will release soon he states with
precise words: “In the spring of 1939 - he writes in the third person - the Italian construction
boom was full of enthusiasm and Mussolini felt from the beginning that one should not
challenge destiny too much. He realized that a long period of peace was absolutely necessary
for Europe in general and for Italy in particular and that war, once begun, would have
interrupted everything, compromised everything and perhaps ruined everything. With his
opposition to war there were also political and moral reasons, like the feeling that the fate of
Europe, as a civilization building continent, was in jeopardy.... No, Mussolini did not want war.
He could not have wanted war; he saw it drawing close with terrible anguish.
He felt that this was a question mark for the entire future of the Fatherland. The balance of
Fascism? Here are the statements that M.W. Churchill made to the Italian media on January
1927, during his trip to Rome. “Your movement has rendered a service to the entire world. It
seems that what distinguishes all revolutions is a constant progression towards the left, a kind
of inevitable slide towards the abyss. Italy has demonstrated that there is a method of fighting
the enemy forces that could fool the masses and that these, led properly, can appreciate the
value of a civilized society and defend honor and stability. And it is Italy that has given us the
necessary antidote against the red poison.” (The Decay of Liberal Europe Apg. 178 M. Bertrand
de Jouvenel).
The God of battles has already expressed his supreme sentence. At the end of this gigantic
struggle, the rich populations, well provided with all the earth's wealth, defeated the
underprivileged populations with high demographic potential. Germany and Italy are defeated.
Both had asked, as a right to life, what they considered legitimate. For the right of possession,
for cultural and sacred egoism, the other powers refused to grant them. Who was right, who
was wrong? We will leave the difficult decision to future generations.
For the peninsula, the Mussolini era ended. One day, history will pronounce the glorious
harvest, weapons at hand, under the emblem of the fasces. Even though she had to fight
in extremely difficult conditions, even though the naval superiority of England made great
victories impossible, Mussolini’s Italy, before its setbacks, had unquestionable successes. Its
armies left their mark from the torrid sands of Libya to the icy fields of Russia. Its horses drank
from the water of the Guadalquivir, the Dnieper and also from the sources of the Nile. Its flag
flew on the Atlantic up to near the English Channel. After an epic run along the African shores,
its battalions arrived up to the gates of Alexandria and, for the first time since antiquity, the
land of the Pharaohs again saw the insignia of Rome. Therefore, in the entire world, the
Italian and Fascist cause certainly did not lack incensers. But only a change in the wind was
needed for the cowards and pusillanimous to bring their miserable incense to the opposite
camp. And it was within Italy itself that the phenomena took on its most revolting aspect.
Even the same victory of the other war had been threatened, from 1919 to 1922, by a group
of defeats, saboteurs and quitters. This time the rottenness took on a national characteristic.
Italy surrendered because of the loss of its sons rather than because of the fighting valor of its
enemies; she defeated herself, because of its defeatism attitude.
Italians have a terrible defect. Besides possessing the highest of qualities: quick and acute
intelligence, personal courage, a natural propensity pushes them towards skepticism, doubt,
minimal effort. They are easily liberal with nice reassurances, but too often there is a lack of
continuity between words, between thought and action. They become easily partisan. They
are dominated by personal interests. They do not possess the cult of civic obedience.
He remain ed faithf ul to hi s honor up to hi s death : he did not capitulate
Furthermore, raised in the heart of catholic universalism, they remained for centuries devoid
of a true military spirit and completely indifferent to the glory of their fatherland. The truth is
that, either because of the mental sub-strata of its people, or because of its history, “…Italy
was never able to become a nation like the others”.
Having lost its cohesion, distorted its conscience, the country, in great majority, gave in to
laxity, to indifference, to misunderstanding. It lost control of its nerves. It forgot that what
was in play today was not only a political doctrine, or a luxury object, but the inheritance of
the forefathers, the future of the race, the land for its children, the daily bread, dignity, honor,
freedom, national independence. And it’s because of this that the future will probably direct
a sharp accusation against those responsible. Future generations will repudiate them for
deliberately bringing the country to the brink of disaster and for having prevented, perhaps
for centuries, its free and worthy return to the field of great history. But if there is a name
that, in this entire drama, will remain pure and immaculate, it will be that of Mussolini. In all
circumstances and in the most atrocious hardships, Il Duce kept unassailable firmness. He did
not commit any errors. He remained faithful to his honor up to his death: he did not capitulate.
And it’s because of this reason, without speaking about his faithful followers, the enemies
themselves – if they maintained in their heart the notion of human nobility cannot help but pay
homage to his tomb as a sign of respect and admiration. Especially in Switzerland, his death
must ring out painfully in the hearts of all those who remember how much this man loved
our country, to the point that multiple times his voice was raised in our favor and at times of
hardship he placed himself fraternally at our side.
During the time of success and glory, our authorities named him “doctor honoris
causa” of the University of Lauzanne, and he was offered, in a solemn display, a copy of the
bust of Marcus Aurelius recovered in Avenches. An official publication, the Historic and
Biographic Dictionary of Switzerland, mentions him along with Romain Rolland, among
he foreigners that honored our country. So we too can, at this painful hour, without any
reservation, direct an emotional thought as we remember this man of great intelligence and
action. He suffered terribly. He was betrayed by his own people. The same ones, who had
exalted him and who marched under the shadow of his glory, sold him out for thirty pieces
of silver. Among the millions of fellow countrymen to whom he had given the pride of being
Italian, not one of them was there, at the supreme hour, to cover him piously with the shroud
and close his eyes. It is the fate of great men to be crucified, stabbed, cast into deserted
islands. He was among the greatest. From high above he dominated all who surrounded him.
He was greater than Italy and he tried to raise her above herself, to raise her at the level of the
greatest empires. But neither the lungs nor the heart of his countrymen were strong enough. Italy’s weakness paralyzed the strength and the charge of its leader. Had he won this war, he would have been crowned a universal genius and divine and his fatherland, in spite of its many wounds, would have found not only its full territorial integrity and its empire, but also the halo of glory which had surrounded her in antiquity. Defeated, he is destined to submit to contempt and the radios of the History will not be able to vilify hi s memory
and it will rend er him justi ce. His blood will not ha ve been shed in vain
History will not be able to vilify his memory and it
will render him justice. His blood will not have been shed in vain. More than anything else it is that of martyrs that nourishes the life of the people. In life, Mussolini had already his legend; it will grow. But, following the renaissance, Italy tasted so much vitality as during the great periodunder IL Duce. In institutions, in the Mussolini codes, there was like a thrill of a new world. Then, from the Alps to the Nile, from Spain to the Volga, the scorching blood of Italian soldiers inundated this land. In the air there shone a sun full of glory. Well, no matter what happens in the future, this past will not die. The excitement that he poured not only in Italian veins, but in the arteries of the world, will continue to boil. To the people in turmoil he pointed out one of the roads to salvation. Defeat makes one retreat along the same road taken before. Others, later, will take again this great main road, the Appian Way
of history. Innumerable fruits will spring forth from his experience, from his faith, from his martyrdom. One day Mussolini will become an image and idea. He came to know triumph and adversity. He reached fame. He will continue to live in the mind. He will be asked for examples, lessons, a doctrine. The prestige of his name will remain intact. He will remain one of the greatest architects of the transformation of Europe and the world.
He will appear in future centuries as one of the most efficient revolutionary forces of history.
Paul Gentizon
Translation from French: Copyright
Rudolph S. Daldin, Windsor, Ontario, Canada

An Honest Man is the Noblest
Work of God.
Alexander Pope 1688-1744


Alessandra Mussolini

Laurea in Medicina e Chirurgia
Deputata - Camera dei Deputati
Dr. Medicine and Surgery
Deputy - Italian Parliament

The Tragedy Of Benito Mussolini

The tragedy of Benito Mussolini is truly an Italian tragedy reflecting all the human values which
are normally portrayed in great Italian theatre and on the opera stage, but there is no nation,
no culture, no region on earth that is immune from living through a like or similar tragedy.
Their young sons and daughters may spring from the ranks of the poor to lead and transform
a nation and a people only to find, once again, that the Internationalists of the world will
decide their fate and destiny and the future of their nation from which they sprang, with the
cracking of whips and machine guns. In future generations Benito Mussolini may be forgiven
all the sins that have been visited upon him, but the Italian people and citizens of the world
will most definitely not forget him or his legacy.


In 1939 it was Sir Winston Churchill, Lord Louis Mountbatten, Sir Anthony Eden, Lord Robert
Cecil, and others who made up the war political and propaganda machinery of England. All
born as members of the British aristocracy, to a life of privilege and political and military
power. Victorian England recognized, as gentlemen, those men and their sons that worked in
the service of the country as clergymen belonging to the Church of England, army officers,
and members of Parliament. They were aristocratic gentlemen by virtue of their birth and their
occupation. They conceived, legislated, administered and directed England’s many war efforts.
They were never found in the trenches of war.
Later in the war it became newcomers Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Harry Truman in
America, and in Russia it was Joseph Stalin.

“They All Lie – So Do The Media”
The name of the author of this now famous quotation is not known, but his words are being
used and being seen and understood as a prophetic and wise modern standard to be used by
the innocents and the wise of the world. These few words seem to encapsulate the essence
of our times: living daily with a world of political, social, and economic uncertainties and
deceptions, perpetrated and disseminated, by today’s reality of the world of the twin engines
of mass propaganda and mass media

President Roosevelt’s Campaign To Incite War in Europe
Not so well known is the story of Roosevelt’s enormous responsibility for the outbreak of the
Second World War itself. This essay focuses on Roosevelt’s secret campaign to provoke war in
Europe prior to the outbreak of hostilities in September 1939. He bears a grave responsibility
before history for the outbreak of the most destructive war of all time.
Institute for Historical Review
The Secret Polish Documents
Mark Weber

In 1939 Ezra Pound made a trip to Washington, D.C., where he spoke with members of
Congress about his economic policies and about his fear that Roosevelt, the bankers, and the
armaments industry were leading America into another war. He began regular broadcasting his
ideas over Rome Radio, in a program aimed at the English-speaking world. Mixing reflections
on literature with tirades against Roosevelt, usury, and international finance.
The Heath Anthology of American Literature
Houghton Mifflin Ezra Pound 1885-1972

We still have not been told the reason
why Japan atta cked Pearl Har bor !
Gore Vidal points out something that has been long known to us, but never before
admitted, namely that President Roosevelt deliberately provoked the Japanese to
attack Pearl Harbor. They deliberately cut off Japan’s oil supplies, then refused to sell
them scrap metal, and so on. So they attacked. The attack on Pearl Harbor was worth
more to Roosevelt than several divisions…. We still have not been told the reason
why Japan attacked Pearl Harbor! Roosevelt provoked the attack, but the national
mythology requires him to be a saint, so nothing is said about it. The press and the
media are owned and controlled by our ‘corporate masters‘ They control all the flow of
information, so that the great majority of Americans do not know what is going on.
The Decline And Fall Of The American Empire
BBC interview with Gore Vidal with Andrew Marr
Written by Alan Woods


In a secret wartime memorandum recently made public, Winston Churchill told his advisers
that he wanted to “drench” Germany with poison gas. Churchill’s July 1944 memo to his chief
of staff Gen. Hastings Ismay was reproduced in the August-September 1985 issue of American
Heritage magazine.
Churchill wanted To ‘Drench’ Germany With Poison Gas
Institute for Historical Review
Mark Weber

Throughout most of 1942, General Draza Mihailovic enjoyed the unqualified support of the Western Allies.

By the end of the year a dramatic switch in policy occurred, with the anti-
Communist Mihailovic being cut off from further support. London, Washington, and Moscow
were now unanimous in their backing of Tito’s Red “Partisans”.
The Web Of Disinformation: Churchill’s Yugoslav Blunder
David Martin
Harcourt, Brace, Jovanovich. 1990

Mussolini is Praised
Hailed for Stand on Nazis
Premier Mussolini because he took pains to demonstrate that Italian Fascism does not tolerate
racial and religious persecution, chosen by Jewish newspaper editors as the greatest Christian
champions of the Jewish people during the last year.
(New York Times Sept. 18, 1933)

“There were about 25,000 of us in Rome … Many of us fought in Ethiopia. We are free to
worship as Judea, but we are Romans too.” Another Jew, a retired clothing merchant, said he
lived in Rome because “here I feel more equality than I have ever knew
Magazine, March, 1937)
Imperial Rome Reborn John Patric

“In 1914 Mussolini shrewdly noted, during a trip to Berlin, that militarism was once again
rearing its head. He saw and objected to Pan-Germanism; first because it was dangerous to
Italy, and second because of the general acceptance of the racial theories of Houston Stewart
Chamberlain. They seemed to him to be ridiculous.”
( The Last Centurion)
Rudolph S. Daldin, 2000


Henry Kissinger was the 56th Secretary of State of the United States from 1973 to 1977
The minutes of a secret 1975 meeting of the National Security Council attended by
President Ford reveal Henry Kissinger grumbling, “It is an act of insanity and national
humiliation to have a law prohibiting the President from ordering assassination."

CHILE 1973

President Richard Nixon had determined that Salvador Allende was not to become the head of
the Chilean government, for various nefarious reasons, not obviously and directly connected
with US national security, if that has any relevance. Kissinger became the high-level action
officer focused on accomplishing this mission directive from the President. The most significant
obstacle to eliminating Allende was General Schneider. The murder victim is General Rene
Schneider, who was the Commander in Chief of the Chilean Army. There exists international
arrest warrants from Ireland,France and Spain who wish to charge him with war crimes from
the Chile war. The Spanish and French say Henry Kissinger is implicated in the death of French
and Spanish in the war in Chile.

Madam April Glaspies, American Ambassador to Iraq:
Meeting with Saddam Hussein, July 25, 1990

“We have no opinion on the Arab-Arab conflicts, like your border disagreement with Kuwait.
I was in the American Embassy in Kuwait during the late ‘60s. The instruction we had during
this period was that we should express no opinion on this issue and that the issue is not
associated with America. James Baker has directed our official spokesmen to emphasize this
instruction. We hope you can solve this problem using any suitable methods via Klibi (Chedli
Klibi, Secretary General of the Arab League) or via President Mubarak. All that we hope is that these issues are solved quickly.”

H.W. Bush, National Security Directive 45, US Policy in Response to the Iraqi Invasion
of Kuwait, August 20, 1990. Secret.

This NSD was the first of two key Presidential directives that guided US policy and actions in
response to Saddam Hussein’s invasion of Kuwait. The directive articulated US interests in
the region and the four principles that would guide US policy during the crisis--including the
“immediate, complete, and unconditional withdrawal of all Iraqi forces from Kuwait” and “a
commitment to the security and stability of the Persian Gulf.” The directive went on to specify
diplomatic, economic, energy, and military measures that the US would take to achieve its
In 2003 it is George W. Busch, General Colin Powell, Richard Cheney, Paul Wolfowitz, John
Snow, Donald H. Rumsfeld, John Ashcroft, Tom Ridge, Condolezza Rice, Bill Clinton, Tony
Blair, Jack Straw, Ariel Sharon, et all.

The evening of March 21, 2003, the United States of America unilaterlly began a bombing attack on the city and the citizens of Baghdad, Iraq. War against thesovereign Republic of Iraq had begun and an invasion of US military troops and equipment began their war of invasion and occupation. Iraq’s twenty million people would now be in danger of losing their lives as well as losing their country, their homes and their property. Their homeland would never be the same - at best it will become a franchise democracy of the Internationalists of the world. A new wave of wars may have begun with this midnight attack out of the skies of Iraq.


Today, the gravest danger in the war on terror, the gravest danger facing America and the
world, is outlaw regimes that seek and possess nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons.
These regimes could use such weapons for blackmail, terror, and mass murder… .
President Bush’s State of the Union address, January 29, 2003
The burden is on Iraq to comply and disarm. Inspectors are inspectors, not detectives….
Sadam Hussein and his regime are doing everything they can to make sure the inspectors find
absolutely nothing…
We will not shrink from whatever is ahead of us. We must not fail in our duty and our
responsibilities. Clearly, Saddam will stop at nothing until someone stops him.
Colin Powell, briefing to the UN Security Council, 6 February, 2003
He claims to have no chemical or biological weapons, yet we know he continues to hide
biological and chemical weapons, moving them to different locations as often as every 12 to
24 hours, and placing them in residential neighborhoods.
US Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, speaking to the press, 12 March, 2003
I have the strongest belief that the world must confront the twin evils of the spread of
weapons of mass destruction to rogue states and the danger of those weapons falling into the
hands of international terrorists.
Australian Prime Minister John Howard, in a nationally televised address from
parliament, 13 March, 2003

Iraq continues to deny that it has any WMD, though no serious intelligence service anywhere in the world believes him.” Prime Minister Tony Blair told the House of Commons that Iraq had Weapons of mass destruction, and these could be used to attack Britain, in a matter of fifteen minutes.
Mr. Tony Blair, speaking to the House of Commons, 18 March, 2003
The danger is clear: using chemical, biological, or, one day, nuclear weapons obtained with the
help of Iraq, the terrorists could fulfill their stated ambitions and kill thousands of hundreds
of thousands of innocent people in our country or any other… . Today, no nation can possibly
claim that Iraq has disarmed. And it will not disarm so long as Saddam Hussein holds power.
President Bush’s ultimatum to Saddam Hussein, 18 March, 2003
Memos show that Blair planned to participate in the war nearly a year before it began
The Sunday Times newspaper yesterday published leaked cabinet minutes from July, 2002.
They indicated Mr. Blair and his colleagues believed the United States was bent on invading
Iraq and toppling dictator Saddam Hussein, and concluded that such action should be justified
on moral rather than legal ground. This record is extremely sensitive, the document begins,
“No further copies should be made. It should be shown to those with a genuine need to know
its contents.
The Globe and Mail, Monday, May 2, 2005
By Doug Saunders.

We do not want the smoking gun to be a mushroom cloud.
Condoleeza Rice, National Security Advisor
CNN Late Night Interview - September 8, 2002

Senator, in everything I said about Iraq, I turned out to be right and you turned out to be wrong. And 100,000 people have paid with their lives -- 1,600 of them American soldiers sent to their deaths on a pack of lies, 15,000 of them wounded, many of them disabled forever for a pack of lies.
British Member of Parliament George Galloway in his testament before a U.S.
Senate panel, Tuesday, May 17, 2005

We looked back at Globe coverage of those final months of war and were astounded that the
death, destruction and determination continued apace, even as victory became inevitable. In
an era in which the death of a single Canadian overseas becomes big news, we felt the need
to commemorate the dozens who died every single day in vanquishing fascism from Europe.
Letter from the Editor
V-E Day is about remembering…
Edward Greenspan, Editor-in-chief
Globe and Mail, Saturday, April 30, 2005
LONDON Election campaigns claim unforeseen casualties and, in Britain’s case, one may be
the ability of leaders to order troops to war at America’s side with quite the same flair and
quite the same sense of Churchillian rectitude as Tony Blair displayed in Iraq. The campaign
for Britain’s election on Thursday has brought a tally of damaging disclosures and challenges
to Blair’s actions before the invasion of Iraq two years ago, provoking forecasts that politicians
will face greater constraints in joining a war in the future.
News Analysis: British grow less unflinching on warfare
The New York Times
Alan Cowell
May 4, 2005

As Americans debate what President Clinton’s legacy should be, too little attention is given to
his remarks on Kosovo. The United States launched a war against a European nation largely
at Clinton’s behest. Clinton’s war against Serbia epitomized his moralism, his arrogance, his
refusal to respect law, and his fixation on proving his virtue by using deadly force, regardless
of how many innocent people died in the process. Sebia reports 250,000 deaths from attacks
which began March 24, 1999 Clinton claimed on March 24, 1999, that one purpose of bombing
Serbia (including Kosovo) was “to deter an even bloodier offensive against innocent civilians
in Kosovo and, if necessary, to seriously damage the Serbian military’s capacity to harm
the people of Kosovo.” The CIA had warned the Clinton administration that if bombing was
initiated, the Serbian army would greatly accelerate its efforts to expel ethnic Albanians. The
White House disregarded this warning and feigned surprise when mass expulsions began.
BBC News March 24, 1999

Why has Israel not signed the Atomic Proliferation Treaty?

Tel Aviv - The State of Israel has an atomic bomb power similar to that of Britain. Tel Aviv
was the sixth nation to acquire nuclear weapons already in the 50s. The experts at Jane’sDefense Weekly, which deals with military information has published this vital information.
The Israeli nuclear weapons has always been surrounded by the greatest secrecy. Yesterday Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu canceled his trip to Washington for fear of having
to answer questions related to nuclear weapons possessed by Israel and because his state is one of the few who has not signed the Non- Proliferation Treaty. Israel is the only nuclear power in the Middle East. Mordechai Vanunu has revealed many details about his country’s nuclear program. Because of this he was arrested for 18 years and still suffers the limitations of freedom. AsiaNews April 10, 2010.


Washington -- The lives of 194 Michiganians have been lost supporting U.S. offensives in Iraq
and Afghanistan since operations began in the aftermath of the 9/11 terror attacks. On this
Memorial Day, their sacrifices will be remembered in cities and small towns from the Ohio
border to the shores of Lake Superior. Nearly three-quarters of the state’s 83 counties have a
resident who has not returned home after being killed in either war. - 12:02 pm
Remembering the troops killed in Iraq and Afghanistan
Detroit News, Monday May 31 2010

Crimes Against Humanity
An international criminal justice offence; the perpetration
of acts of war upon a civilian, non-soldier population.
Are the people investigated in this file guilty of
crimes against Humanity ?


In both periods of time, both wars, and with both political regimes these reasons were and are
merely the facades presented to the world for justification of these wars. The more genuine
rationale is that at both times and in both cases these leaders and their money markets
needed a war and wanted these wars. So they determined : God we are going to have our war
regardless of how many people get killed and how much money it will take and to hell with
what the general public thinks or whatever the world’s opinion may be: We want a war and we
will start a war when we want. And besides, having a large scale war makes a lot of money.

“Out of our beliefs are born deeds; out of our deeds we form habits; out of our habits grows our character; and on our character we build our destiny.”
Henry Hancock



There are some things you’ve got to know
Before you, so young a man, older grow.
You’ll hear this said
By the really dead;
Life’s a lie, a trick, a sham
Should never give a damn.

Or: love’s a waste, a snare, a fraud-
And you need never be by it awed;
Young man, the woods are trees
And full of facile liars
Covered with pit-smell of easy mires-
“Against” ‘s so easy for these criers.
Prudently watch Truth yield to fees
From the Owners,
From the Forceful,
From the hacks, the cynics,
From the shooters of bull.
Be aware
The Fair’s
Worth the fi ght-
Make love your fi rst and second Sight.

( A World Elsewhere)
R. H. Flood,
















NO 9/11




Country Military Civilian Total
U.S.S.R 13,600,000 7,700,000 21,300,000
China 1,324,000 10,000,000 11,324,000
Germany 3,250,000 3,810,000 7,060,000
Poland 850,000 6,000,000 6,850,000
JAPAN - - 2,000,000
Yugoslavia 300,000 1,400,000 1,706,000
Rumania 520,000 465,000 985,000
France 340,000 470,000 810,000
Hungary - - 750,000
Austria 380,000 145,000 525,000
Greece - - 520,000
United States 500,000 - 500,000
Italy 330,000 80,000 410,000
Czechoslovakia - - 400,000
Great Britain 326,000 62,000 388,000
Netherlands 198,000 12,000 210,000
Belgium 76,000 12,000 88,000
Finland - - 84,000
Canada 39,000 - 39,000
India 36,000 - 36,000
Australia 29,000 - 29,000
Albania - - 28,000
Spain 12,000 10,000 22,000
Bulgaria 19,000 2,000 21,000
New zealand 12,000 - 12,000
Norway - - 10,262
South Africa 9,000 - 9,000
Luxembourg - - 5,000
Denmark 4,000 - 4,000

Copyright May 3, 2010 Rudolph S. Daldin
Windsor, Ontario, Canada
In memory of Valentino & Angela Nella Daldin

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